This new Friday feature comes from a fellow food blogger Lindsey of Lindsey’s Kitchen, a wonderful and personable future Chef that I met this summer at TRU Restaurant at our Foodbuzz Community Table event.
Her sister suggested that she take a single picture everyday of 2010 and Lindsey sent the word out to the Food Blogging community. I decided to participate to keep me focused on my photography and my blog for 2010.
Merci beaucoup, Lindsey…!
(The PHOTO FRIDAY 2010 HEADER is her creation...she graciously allowed those of us to participate to use it.)
Here is my first effort…some feedback is very welcome...
Merci beaucoup, Lindsey…!
(The PHOTO FRIDAY 2010 HEADER is her creation...she graciously allowed those of us to participate to use it.)
Here is my first effort…some feedback is very welcome...
Merci beaucoup in advance.
I hope that you all enjoy this Friday Photo feature...
Totally enjoyed it, Terrie! I'll look forward to what you come up with. Your photos are always a treasure. I don't think I said thank you for the lovely card--merci beaucoup!
I am so happy that you enjoyed this first installment, Sue...
I love doing these daily images and sharing them with you.
I am glad that you liked the card.
Je vous en prix.
Bonne novelle annee encore...!
Great variety and of course composition. You're really perfect is what I have to say! Happy New Year and keep them coming.
Fascinating collection and it's only week #1. Such a wonderful idea! Look forward to many more!
That's a challenge!! Good start anyhow!!
Shouldn't there have been a new collection by now? :-)
Wonderful pictures! I'm always taking pictures of food for my blog, but I've found the photography can be more challenging than the cooking. Kudos to you for such great pics!
Bonjour Terrie,
je prends un grand plaisir depuis Paris à venir sur votre blog chaque semaine.
Je crois savoir que vous avez la recette des sablés à l'orange et aux raisins de chez Secco dans le 7ème arrondissement. Pourriez-vous la mettre en ligne ou me la faire parvenir? Ces sablés sont tellement délicieux! Merci d'avance!!
Encore bravo pour votre blog!
Guillaume (boro68@gmail.com)
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